Bad news…

17 thoughts on “Bad news…”

  1. Omg. I’m so sorry you are going through all this. How awful for you all.
    Isn’t Doc Daughter going to have the gene test though?


    1. She will be having the test, but I think she’s preparing herself mentally beforehand. As a family, we’re not inclined towards optimism, past experience hasn’t encouraged it…she sounded OK-ish when I spoke to her yesterday, and her new boyfriend is being great. Thing is, they haven’t been together long, and it’s serious stuff to test a new relationship on. Ah well


  2. My thoughts are with you and your family DF, it’s lousy news on both counts and nothing anyone can do or say will help. Don’t forget that we are here if you need a rant, shout at us if it helps, we won’t mind. There are times when life seems so unfair.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Dear Fairy, I’m so sorry to read this. Nothing like kicking you when you’re already down! Everything crossed that your doc daughter won’t have the faulty genes. Xxx


  4. How horrible. A colleague at work developed breast cancer at 41 and had a very strong family history of breast and ovarian cancer, including her own mum who died at a simile age. With two young daughters she had the gene test and was negative- her cancer was just bad luck ( and thus far successfully treated). So fingers crossed but it’ll be a nerve wracking waiting for the results. X


  5. Damn those BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes!
    Our poor kid has cancer from my family and heart from his father’s – hence the saying – live for today!
    We too here are facing loads of redundancies and I’m the breadwinner too – Elaine, don’t worry until it happens – then there’ll be lots of time to fret – see above!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I try not to worry, but my bloody brain decides to do it at 3 in the morning…hard to get off the hook then. Ah well. As for the cancer threat, tbh I can manage an ostrich impression for now, with the knowledge that I’ll be there for them if anything happens.


  6. Really sorry to hear your news DF. Fingers crossed for some sort of positive outcome on the health front.
    As to redundancies, if anyone is bonkers enough to try to make you redundant at least you are in maths where the job situation is usually pretty good although it’s always a pain applying for new jobs etc etc. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.

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  7. Recently lost a friend to cervical cancer, there’s a lot of it in her family and a genetic link seems indicated (long story) but the family won’t mention it to those at risk… very sorry your daughter is facing this, but glad she gets to make an informed decision. Sending you all good vibes.

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  8. So sorry about your news, I think this knowledge is power and this will help you all in the future, but it won’t help the worrying at 3am, all best wishes

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  9. Just checked in, Elaine. That is grim news, indeed, for your children. As a ‘cancer doctor’, doc-D will be all too aware of how things might pan out. Keeping fingers crossed that test comes out negative.

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