Under control- Shaeffer dress #2

30 thoughts on “Under control- Shaeffer dress #2”

  1. You’re awesome Elaine. You must be so focused to ‘steam’ ahead on these complicated-looking projects, but I always imagine you wearing these garments afterwards with the same confident flair that it must take to dress steampunk. A great first finish for 2017
    Have a good one!

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    1. This is definitely one for special occasions. I used to dress like this for work every day when I was in schools, but college lecturers just don’t dress up…being surrounded by teenagers in jeans doesn’t encourage you to make much effort!


  2. I actually disliked the look on this on the package envelop, while at the same time really being interested in it technically. I used to have one of those skirts made with swirling panels, and I love it. I think what makes yours look great is that the two fabrics are not too contrasting. Great work, as ever.

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    1. The black and white version is very in your face, but at least it shows off the style lines better than most Vogue photos! The fabrics are much nicer ‘in the flesh’, black is so hard to capture on film.

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  3. The dress looks very elegant on you, I didn’t like the version on the pattern envelope but your choice of fabric makes a huge difference.

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  4. Happy New Year! Hope that this one is a fab one for you and the missus. I LOVE this dress. It is pretty similar in patterning to the “Redondo” skirt from Studio Tantrum (for children) that I made for Sprogzilla when she was wee. I loved that pattern and always vowed to make it up for myself. I don’t envy sewing all those panels together but it a hell of a lovely dress. Very posh. 🙂 Xx

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  5. Speedy couture! Your fabric selections are so much better than the pattern envelope and it’s a flattering shape. Really full skirt, I wasn’t expecting that. Lovely

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  6. Brava! I love a girl who ignores useless directions and just does what she feels like!!! Lordie, that pattern hugs you and makes you look so glamorous! Love the extended sleeve caps! A winner after all that work!

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    1. Thanks! The sleeve caps were quite a surprise actually- the pattern pieces are so oddly shaped I really couldn’t predict how it was going to be, and the pattern photo didn’t highlight them [the stripes draw all attentionreally]. I’m not sure if it’s completely down to the drafting, or partly because I used rather firm interfacing which is acting as shoulder pads? Anyway, they curve very nicely round the shoulder, so it doesn’t feel as sleeveless as I expected!


  7. Wow, just seen this on PatternReview – I didn’t think you were still bothering with that site – and love it. Seriously flirty red shoes by the way.


    1. Hi! I always forget about Pattern Review for months/years on end, then have a little flurry on it. I never remember to check a review until after I’ve finished the garment lol. I used to wear those shoes a lot, but haven’t been able to for ages as the arthritis continues its slow increase. Now and then though!


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