Dawn’s Coat #12: Twirling in the garden!

31 thoughts on “Dawn’s Coat #12: Twirling in the garden!”

      1. I can imagine. If I can make a request, I’d live to see it buttoned up. And with a top hat? I imagine I’ve seen a photo of her wearing one, and I think it would fit the look of the coat (but I may be wrong, of course). Very inspiring to see such exquisite handmade clothing. Oh, and I forgot to say: love the lining! Absolutely perfect.


  1. Wow, that’s impressive. The detail is exquisite, even the buttons have button backs. Your sewing skills are off the charts. (I’m not green with envy, well, maybe a little bit 😬)

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    1. Thank you! It’s taken me a loooong time sewing to get enough patience to slow down and do things well [sometimes]. I’ve never done button backs before, and they made me very happy.


  2. Job is indeed a good ‘un. Dawn looks fabulous in that coat and you really get a sense of how amazingly twirly it is from you photos. You done good with this one, I bet that she loves it. Are you going to make another one or something similar? Do you think that you will do any more tailoring any time soon? Xx

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    1. Well my old winter coat is rather threadbare, and doesn’t do up over my boobs any more, so I may need to. However, the WIFESWAP requires many more garments for the missus, so it will depend on how well they go. I have a couple of corsetry projects on the go too, and plenty more steampunk ideas….and then there’s the pattern testing to come. PLUS I printed off three more StyleArc PDFs today. So many plans, so little time!


  3. This seems the kind of thing a journeyman needed to make before he was properly admitted to the guild. All those little touches, the extra details, those techniques, the just elevate the coat from “so pretty!” to flat out WOW.

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  4. That’s a fine looking woman you have there — oh wait, coat, I mean coat, that’s a fine looking coat you have there. Brphhhh 🙂 Really it’s fabulous. I would have thought it would be too feminine, but it’s surprisingly not.

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  5. Not sure if you or the missus read William Gibson? To me, she looks like how I picture Molly Millions in Mona Lisa Overdrive – confident, mature, stylish, but still ready and willing to kick ass!

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      1. You can read Mona Lisa Overdrive on it’s own, but if you like cyberpunk, then I’d suggest reading the ‘trilogy’ – Neuromancer, Count Zero, then Mona Lisa Overdrive. Molly’s not exactly the main character in any of them, but she’s definitely the one that moves things along. 🙂

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  6. That is really stunning, you’ve done a fantastic job and it hasn’t taken you that long. Dawn looks very happy and you know the saying “happy wife, happy life”. As for the Style Arc patterns – you have a lot to answer for in my house – so what’s next?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lol Style Arc, oh Style Arc how I love thee! I think I have about 8 waiting to be taped together…there’s a shirt and a dress calling to me, but I have corsets to make, and the wife’s SWAP wardrobe. MUST USE STASH!


    1. LOADS. She keeps going to stroke it. Mind you, having worn it out on Sunday, she now thinks it’s a bit too long, and asked if I can shorten it. Can you imagine my face? When I was making the bloody thing, I asked several times if she was sure it wasn’t too long for her to manage…women!


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