Marketing Strategy: half term at the Rag Market #1

14 thoughts on “Marketing Strategy: half term at the Rag Market #1”

      1. well if it turns out you have too much, I’m happy to help you out! Try that camembert missus, your appetite will flood back. I’m enjoying it with bread, red wine, and grapes. Heaven


  1. Humph, it was bad enough you buying cheese without going on about it here!!! Had a brief little interlude at the Wellington on the way to the train (Titanic Plum Porter – yum) and have spent the evening wrapping myself around some real ale – but only to be sociable you understand. Goodies stashed and ideas buzzing. May even sew at some point!!


  2. Look at you – a veritable pillar of self-restraint! 🙂

    I went to my market after work today. No fabric, no trim, and I didn’t buy any yummy cheese – but I did get some delicious tatziki, so we had ersatz souvlaki for dinner tonight.


  3. Wow, the markets sound fabulous. I am so green that there is nothing like that up here. I mean smoked feta! That sounds like the best thing in the world. Fabric and cheese are two of my favourite things ever. Hope to catch up on one of your jaunts later in the year. Looking like I won’t be too far away by then. Xx

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  4. Arggh, I can’t make it for the Rag Market on Saturday. I’m double booked with family visit in Leeds. On the plus side, I’m hoping to get a chance to explore the fabric stalls in Kirkgate market 🙂

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