Plan for the weekend [so far]

4 thoughts on “Plan for the weekend [so far]”

  1. Sounds like a lot of fun. And cake.

    I wish I had a free weekend to crack on with sewing, but we are off for a week’s holiday. I know I will enjoy it when we get there but I am in the mood to sew. Maybe I will just have to read instead. And swim, and sunbathe, and look at Mummies and Pyramids and wonder at the geometry.


  2. I can’t even remember the last proper holiday we had-poop! Have a wondrous time, don’t get eaten by crocodiles, and maybe snag some linen or suchlike?…


  3. We get 1 day this week! But then again, we get 8 weeks (count them) 8, in the summer……. sewing, eating, drinking, some more sewing… then exercise, wholesome food and dreeeaaadd….as September draws closer.


  4. OMG. The horrors of a school term balanced against the joys of school holidays…nah on reflection I’ll take the shorter college hols with the much nicer students!


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