Nights in White Satin

15 thoughts on “Nights in White Satin”

  1. A beautiful white blouse made of a pattern I would hesitate to try in satin; and Moody Blues singing a song that grabs me every time and plucks every melancholy, romantic string in my body.

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    1. It’s a nice one, but has to be very ligthweight, and go careful round those damn points! I’m very taken by the bias cuffs too. I could have wished for better indication of buttonhole placement, they look a bit off to me, but not enough for me to care!


  2. So pretty! I am currently obsessed with the idea of dress shields after ruining several silk blouses with the toxic combination of perspiration and anti- perspirant. Might I suggest that this blouse is a perfect candidate for a dress shield?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nice idea! I’m actually right about now contemplating trying some of these new ‘eco’ deodorants on the market which are supposed to be very fabric friendly. As soon as I made the blouse, the temperature here plummeted so I haven’t worn it yet…soon though!


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