Take 5

10 thoughts on “Take 5”

  1. Whew, so many topics.. You’re right that teachers are getting so much more appreciation from parents right now. I am not sure it’ll actually translate into better working conditions in the long term, alas, but it should get you better cooperation from even the nastiest parents for a bit.
    Meanwhile it’s good that you don’t have to run around after the kids physically so much. Although as a former resident of San Francisco I totally get the difficulty with hills.. During a bout of rehab I would drive down to a flatish path around a lake, with regular benches all around so I could rest at progressively longer intervals without committing myself to a final steep bit when I was already too tired. Every town should have something like this really, but maybe yours had some variation of those old lady circuits? Beats indoor exercise, which drives me totally bonkers.
    As to the teeth, I think your situation qualifies as urgent. I have a cracked tooth as well which is hobbling along. But mine is not causing me real pain or liable to cause a life-threatening abcess. You might call up your dentist and discuss options. Or another dentist if yours is indifferent. Enduring too much can get you into real trouble here, since the end is not really in sight

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    1. I know…but I REALLY don’t like dentists and always wait til the last minute. I’d rather have a tooth out than a filling which is mad. My last bit of growing up still to do…


  2. On the marking up the math problems, can you do do hardcopy and post a picture? I have never used a Google docs so I don’t know, but I am all about using a reasonable tool for any job. And since auto correct always helps me, taking pics has reduced a little of the family laughter when Mom texts.. they have actually sat themselves down to open my texts to see what comes out, after the auto correct… almost always shoot! Best of luck slogging through

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    1. for A level full worked answers that’s what I have to do- I write it up then photograph or scan it. FOr lots and lots of smaller answers, it doesn’t work well in google docs for the worksheets we’re setting, so I have to faff more. I’ve developed a doc for the kids to use with lots of basic stuff already formatted and they can copy and paste it in. still slow though! It is what it is. STill better than dealing with adolescent bullshit form day to day though!

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  3. Not grouchy. Well, not very grouchy. I think we’re all getting a little bit grouchy at the moment. I agree that teachers will be among those valued more now that parents have been trying to fill your shoes.
    Food is a great part of what we’re concentrating on too. I’m definitely going to be larger on completion of restrictions despite trying to run more consistently. Yoga just ain’t burning the calories 🙄

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    1. tbh I’m surprised we’re not MORE grouchy. Just got the yarn in for a very-unusual-for-me knitting project. Best pal at work os sprogging in September so I have plenty of time for this little project,,,assuming my increasingly arthritic hands cope. we will see! I predict much swearing based on utter boredom

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  4. First time poster, but long time reader here. Thanks for many happy moments reading your blog! Like you, I’m a maths teacher who loves to sew. We are also teaching remotely here in Australia, so I completely feel your pain. I’ve taken to using a virtual whiteboard called Miro (they offer free accounts for teachers always) to write mathematical notation. Best thing has been getting my remote students to collaborate with me on them so I can see where they are going wrong or need more help.

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    1. A lot of maths teachers have these creative habits I find…it’s dimensional awareness I suppose! We are not currently allowed live links with our students, but have to communicate via Google classroom which is stifling. Sigh! Glad you joined the convo though, keep ’em coming. I’ve made so many online friends through this and sewing fora


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