Quilt Guilt

17 thoughts on “Quilt Guilt”

  1. I’ve got quite an embarrassing stash of quilting fabrics, (they’re so pretty! ), but lack imagination, skill and time to actually use them.
    I’ve made a couple of small, simple quilts….they turned out ok…and a couple of cushion covers, but in my head I aspire to make many more.
    (Saying that, I also have an embarrassing stash of vintage sewing patterns which I’d like to make up some day….)
    If I lived to be 200 years old I still wouldn’t have enough time to make all the things I’d like to.
    I like your crazy quilt!

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    1. I recommend the crazy quilt/stash busting approach. Flip and stitch patchwork on pre cut squares of sheeting or the like…and eventually you may join them up to make something else, who knows?


  2. OK, you’ve just gotta stop right there! Cakes, knitting, sewing, patchworking and quilting – STOP. That’s just not fair on the rest of us…….and as I’ve learned recently…only you see the faults in quilts, everyone else sees – A quilt!
    I like your patchwork style and you match fabrics much better than I do


    1. I keep my scraps in colour coded bags that’s all…no idea why, it made sense at the time! Ah but the cakes, the cakes are calling. Banananananana I think. [Like Nanny Ogg, I can spell banana but can’t STOP spelling it]


  3. Sorry, still don’t get it? I’m like pre-quiltgate fairy and don’t see any point to cutting lots of fabric up to sew it back together. I do admire the skill and imagination that goes into producing these works of art though, but I’m just not that arty. Give me a dress to make any day, and I’ll be happy, but who knows? Never say never! I might get tempted to try it one day…….. in the very distant future.


  4. You have a point there, right at the end. There are lots of people who make charity quilts by collecting squares, joining and doing the bit you hate. Then you get the pleasure, the pat on the back for being good and some little baby or child gets a nice warm huggy quilt.


  5. Ok so I didn’t really get it until a few years ago when I was going through a bad time. I wanted to sew but didn’t need clothes or have the concentration. I’d done a few cheater panels as pressies but then decided to start a project. The result was a black and white quilt and I got the bug. Recently a friend gave me a whole stash of patchwork fabric (5 bagfuls, I kept about 3), I will never get through it all because I also have my own stash and so many projects that I want to do. So what am I doing here when I should be sewing? Love your scrappy squares DF, I think that’s the way I need to go.

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  6. Oh bugger! I knew when I bought a load of beautiful quilting fabrics that I would start seeing quilting write ups everywhere. I used to patchwork when I was younger but I just can’t seem to find the time for beautiful, but fiddly stuff, now. I’ve become too slapdash also.
    You are indeed a very talented fairy! 🙂

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  7. Don’t forget your wassisname Koors bags ~ all scrappy & quilty & lush. Need to visit to finish mine & eat cake!!


  8. I used to be a “proper” quilter but having now got about , ooo, 20 boxes full of quilt fabric and having made more quilts than you can shake a stick at, I’ve now totally lost the mojo for it. As it was I really enjoyed the design bit and even the piecing bit but how I hated the quilting – did the bare minimum to keep it all together. And you can only use so many quilts of whatever size, can’t you? As for using up scraps – I got sick of the sight of them so gaily into the bin they go – lots of bunting sized bits though – any takers?????

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    1. hahaha I do know some feisty folks lol! Seriously though, the idea of quilting is way better than the actual experience. I think that if you’re a garment person, that’s what you should stick with by and large. Now I’m off to make a quilt…


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