Half and half

20 thoughts on “Half and half”

  1. These photos are fantastic. I LOVE them, you are so incredibly photogenic and they are styled so well. Very “Penny Dreadful” (and I mean the stories as I don’t watch the telly). The fourth one is my very favourite. You look like wonderfully creepy. I bet the last photo has men of a certain persuasion going weak at the knees. You look so stern and that amazing outfit! These are wonderful. Looks like it was a fun day. Xx

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I hope your dental problems are soon behind you.
    I thought you had been very quiet but it seems wordpress had muffled you in my direction. Does this happen to you? Blogs just vanish!!?
    Anyhow, good to see you blogging even if the problem was at my end 😠.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep some blogs vanish for ages- certainly there hasn’t been much going on here for a while. Not to worry, lots of sewing going on anyway! The tooth will be sorted on Wednesday morning, so only one more day to get through…


  3. You look fab in those photos and your outfits are magnificent. It surprised me how well black and gold go together, I’ve no suggestions you clearly have a better eye than me. Good luck at the dentist. 😕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Magnificent- I’ll buy that! lol it is a very flattering style, makes me feel tall and slim [well, taller and slimmer than short and stout is good for me]. the black and pale gold is very striking isn’t it? So many beautiful historical examples…


  4. What wonderful photos! I agree, the one with you leaning over the baby is the best (I feel I should bookmark it to threaten naughty children with) but they are all good. I like the one with the shades a lot too; a very different feel.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I kept getting the giggles- not a good model at all, but I had a whale of a time. I’m actually getting the one of me behind bars laminated to stick on my classroom wall…


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